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What does phoque mean? Information and translations of phoque in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. 2019-03-17 · While in English the word has a double meaning, “phoque” in French simply refers to the round sea-lions. Upon being asked for a statue of an arctic creature, Pete was dumbfounded but complied with the college’s request. That was very thoughtful, and to all you knuckle dragging baby seal serial killers from the Magaderthal Isles - a very appreciative merci beaucoup.

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Stockholm, Sweden. SEP6. UTSTÄLLNING: THE YES PAINTINGS  A trio of soft and romantic English roses against a sea of blue green bokeh. Vertical nursery decorating idea - pink and blue wall decor for a child's room TITLE:  "CANOË-KAYAK, PHOQUE, & COFFEE WHAT ELSE?!! .. : pirogue, va'a, randonnée en baie de Somme. Observez les phoques en toute sécurité".

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British English: seal / siːl / NOUN. animal A seal is an animal which eats fish and lives partly on land and partly in the sea. American English: seal / ˈsil / animal. Arabic: فُقْمَة حيوان.

What is a phoque in english

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Human translations with examples: seal, seals, a)fewer, the duck, • harp seal, the monk seal, theodoris, the seal. Translation of "un phoque" in English. a seal. one seal.

What is a phoque in english

Obviously, the vulgarity of the English expression is lost entirely in the playful French usage ouate de phoque. I don’t think you’ll be seeing a series of books in English for young teenage girls called “What the fuck!” any time soon. Translation of "un phoque" in English.
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(2015-11) Artikeln kan eventuellt innehålla språkliga fel eller ett märkligt  Cristina DelgadoFRANCES · Les animaux; la chèvre 山羊; le requin鯊魚;le phoque海豹; le must, have got to, have to. Native English SpainBusiness English. Cart Votre panier est vide. Deutsch Svenska English Français Polski Россия Chaussures en peau de vache · Chaussures en peau de phoque · Winter shoes.

American English; Chinese; French; German; Italian; Greek; Portuguese a seal: un phoque; a turtle: une tortue marine; a salmon: un saumon  satirical cartoon from the revolutionary era aimed against English royal family.
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Phoque Island - sv.LinkFang.org

The seal is in danger. Pouvez-vous voir le phoque là-bas?